Five NAN First Nations Young People invited to apply to attend Tobacco Talk gathering

Tobacco Talk

January 28 - 30, 2011
Thunder Bay, ON
Victoria INN Hotel

Click here for a copy of the application (poster and guidelines included)

Chiefs of Ontario’s Tobacco Prevention & Education Program (TPEP) is looking for Ontario First Nations Young People between to ages of 18 - 25 to attend Tobacco Talk. This gathering requires your participation because you are the leaders of our future. Your input and participation is crucial in helping to contribute to the production of a First Nations specific Tobacco Prevention & Cessation TOOLKIT.

This weekend gathering will consist of numerous activities and discussions that will be
both fun and challenging, such as:

  • Traditional Tobacco Knowledge

  • Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Speakers

  • Youth Driven Policy & Protocol

  • Tobacco Video Challenge (Prizes)

  • Toolkit Design

Please note, space is limited. We are looking for 5 youth per PTO/IFN for a total of 25.

Travel, Accommodation, and Meals will be provided.

If you are interested please fill-out the attached form and send to Pam Burton, TPEP Coordinator at or Fax: (807) 626-9404 by January 21, 2011.