NAN Deputy Grand Chief calls on First Nations to host medical students

NAN Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic called on area First Nations to host medical students attending the Northern Ontario School of Medicine starting in the 2005-2006 school year (the first year of operation for NOSM).

During the first year of study, each medical student will be required to live for four weeks in a First Nation community in order to learn about health and medical realities of life in Ontario’s far north. The students will not provide treatment but will learn from nurses, telehealth staff and community leaders about local health needs. They will be required to complete community work that can include education sessions, public health information, etc

First Nations in Grand Council Treaty #3 and the Union of Ontario Indians have already opted to participate. Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic expressed concern during the medical school’s Aboriginal Reference Group Planning Meeting last week that few NAN First Nations are participating in the program. At present there are no KO communities involved in this portion program.

For more information about getting involved in this program, contact Orpah McKenzie, the Director of Aboriginal Affairs at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine... She can be reached at (807) 766-7311...