Biblical-based addictions treatment programming for prescription drug abuse users

Recently, I spoke on Wawatay Radio regarding one of the more vital issues concerning our People. It is my prayer some of our Chiefs will take up this call and lead the charge.

Prescription Drug Abuse got little attention at the recent Special Chiefs of Ontario Meeting. I was encouraged to seek support from our own People before coming back to the Chiefs to seek their support for Biblical-based Treatment Programming.

Most times, we hear the drumming and singing at Chiefs Meetings and this leads to the mistaken understanding by most non-Native People, Ontario and Canada of who we are - they think we have all accepted Traditional Spirituality. In the Far North, the 26 communities and predominantly Christian. This is who we are. Yet, who we are is not given value at Chiefs Meetings and these Chiefs expect to help their People. I believe the only way to help our People is work with who we are - as Christian People.

I would like to hear our People from our communities speak up as to what they believe will help our People. Will Traditional Spirituality help our People ? Or . . Do we work with who we are - as Christians ?

Wawatay Radio                                        Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010

God Bless.

I will start with these scriptures.
Now, as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying “ Rabbi, who sinned, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind. ” Jesus answered, “ Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.”    
                                                      John 9:1-3

Since the world began, it has been unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind.                                       John 9:32

I believe my God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent; Jesus is my Lord and Saviour; and the Holy Spirit is here.

I do not believe in Traditional Spirituality.

There is a question I have been asking myself ?

Before I ask this question, I want to say I am working with our People to develop our Prescription Drug Abuse Strategy. My problems with alcohol abuse, by the Grace of God, are long over. I am well aware the Root Cause of all our problems is the Doctrine of Discovery. Through the legal and political workings of this Doctrine; all that God made us to be as the Indigenous Peoples of Great Turtle Island is ‘ devalued ’ and ‘ changed ’.

Through all the various laws enacted by our non-Native brothers - we are defined like the flora and fauna. To be completely honest - they define us as “ Non-persons ” with ‘ no ’ status as a People.

What is the question ?

If we are Christians - Should not our Prescription Drug Abuse Program be based on The Bible ?

There are two (2) main approaches which are available and they are:
• Abstinence
• Harm Reduction

One the main pillars for Abstinence is Alcoholics Anonymous and this approach does not adhere to biblical principles. We are told of a Higher Power which can be anything we want it to be. However, like Paul stated: “ there is ‘no’ unknown God ” but there is a God of all creation and He wants a Relationship with His Children. We are also told a person must hit ‘rock bottom’ before they can be helped. This goes against Jesus’ Teachings ( ie: Good Samaritan ).

Harm Reduction requires that the User need not stop but make his abuse more safe. At the end, there should be Abstinence.

In terms of the Scriptures; I want to address the ‘ Users ’.
For those of us who have accepted Christianity and accept Jesus’ Teachings to love one another; we must remain faithful to these Teachings. It is not our place to ‘judge’ you and what you do. Our job is go where you are and bring you back to your rightful place.

You will reveal the glory of God when you walk away from your addiction to Oxys.

This 1st Presentation is an Introduction to what I will be talking about tomorrow. It is my Christmas Message to our Chiefs.

Wawatay Radio                                       Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010

God Bless !

I want to use these scriptures.

Thus says the Lord God to the shepherds, “ Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves ! Should not the shepherds feed the flock ? ”
                                                      Ezekiel 34:2

The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost, but with force and cruelty you have ruled them.    
                                                    Ezekiel 34:4

Yesterday, I stated to the ‘Users’:
• It is not our place to ‘judge’ you and what you do.

Today, I say the same thing to our Chiefs:
• It is not our place to ‘judge’ you and what you do.

However, there is someone:
• who will judge you
• for what you do . . . and . . .
• what you do not do.

You are the shepherds and your People are your sheep.

We are:
• weak
• sick
• bound up with addictions of all kinds
. driven away
• lost

I do not say that you rule with force and cruelty. However, there is a system which you place upon your People which is not ours. It is this system which makes you rule with force and cruelty.

Today is the first day of December and your People look forward to celebrating the Birth of Jesus - our Lord and Saviour. This is who we are.
We are Christians - we are God’s Children.

For our People who are addicted to Oxys and sent out to the urban treatment centers; they are introduced to Traditional Spirituality. I am certain some of our People are helped by this process. However, the majority relapse in a matter of days after returning home. Obviously, this process is not helping them.

WHY ???

Because . . . this is not who we are. We are Christians. We are Children of God.

Addictions Programming, based on Traditional Spirituality or Euro-centric teachings - is not helping most of our People as this is not who we are.
Our Chiefs need to help our People by working with who we are - we are Christians - we are Children of God.

I make this Special Request to our Chiefs.

I ask the Chiefs to work on developing the following:
• Biblical-based Addictions Treatment Program • Biblical-based Treatment Center Program • Biblical-based Counselling Program • Biblical-based Counsellor Training Program

I ask the Chiefs not to respond by saying “ the Government will not fund Biblical-based Addictions Treatment Programming ”.

That is the system talking for you. That system makes you rule your People with force and cruelty.

I ask the Chiefs . . . to work with the Sovereignty which God provided to our Nations - our People. We are the Indigenous People of this Great Turtle Island. God has His Purpose for our People. God has His Plan for our People.

I ask the Chiefs . . .  to provide their support so that our People who are addicted to Oxys can secure the right help they need.

I ask the Chiefs . . . to help with the process which will reveal the glory of God when our People start walking away from their addictions to Oxys.

Merry Christmas to all our People as we celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Saviour - Jesus Christ.

Thank You and God Bless !!!

Mike Morris
Child of God
Member of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Nation
Signatory to the James Bay Treaty – Treaty 9