Our friends from New Zealand that Keewaytinook Okimakanak has worked with in the past sent us the following announcement and invitation ...

Te Wananga o Aotearoa is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education (WIPCE) from Sunday 27th November 2005 through to Thursday 1st December 2005 - www.wipce2005.com.

While Te Wananga o Aotearoa is the official host, the conference will be a collaborative effort between Te Wananga o Aotearoa, the University of Waikato and the Waikato Institute of Technology, the three tertiary institutions within the Waikato area. These three institutions will also work alongside the other two Wananga, Te Wananga o Raukawa and Te Wananga o Awanuiarangi and with Hapu (Sub-tribes), Iwi (Tribal groups), Kohanga Reo (Immersion Early Childhood Centres), Kura Kaupapa (Immersion Schools), Community Groups and National organisations to ensure a successful conference.

The conference will open at Turangawaewae Marae with an official powhiri on Sunday November 27th.  Conference presentations will be delivered from Monday through to Thursday 1st December 2005 at the University of Waikato. The finale will be on Thursday evening at the Waikato Stadium with a closing ceremony and cultural extravaganza which will be open to the public.

Te Toi Roa - The Overall Conference Theme

The overall conference theme for WIPCE 2005 calls for us to celebrate our stories and beliefs in our principles, our values and our histories, the quintessence of our uniqueness as indigenous people. It is these beliefs that enhance our experiences and knowledge to guide us to strive for excellence in education.

The themes flowing from Te Toi Roa are Leadership, Research & Development and New Horizons of Knowledge.

  • Leadership - This theme calls for presenters to share stories about leadership, where it has come from, where it is going, how it is being effected, and what leadership is needed by indigenous peoples for the 21st century.
  • Research & Development - This theme invites presenters to showcase approaches to and examples of research and development that will lead to significant advances for the development of indigenous peoples.
  • New Horizons of Knowledge - This theme honours the role of indigenous thinkers and educators in perpetuating and innovating to produce knowledge and insights for future generations.

Submissions for Abstracts and Performances have now been loaded onto the website at www.wipce2005.com

Due Dates:

  • Submission of Abstracts 31st December 2004
  • Submission of Performances 29th April 2005

Key Dates for Notification of Acceptance of

  • Abstracts - 28th February 2005
  • Submission of Papers - 31st August 2005
  • Notification of Acceptance  Performance - 30th June 2005

For further information refer to www.wipce2005.com which is being updated on a weekly basis.

Please do not hesitate to contact Aroha Te Kanawa (Project Manager) if you have any further queries (info@wipce2005.com or 027 276 4285 or 07 855 2723).Please feel free to forward this email onto others you think may be interested in attending WIPCE 2005.