Hello friend of the open Internet,
You’ve taken action at OpenMedia.ca to stop Internet metering (usage-based billing/capped Internet use), and we have news – it’s working!
We have an unprecedented 8,000+ signatures already. If we keep this up, the government will have no choice but to overturn the CRTC decision that allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to impose usage-based billing on all Internet users - including those who use independent ISPs!
In this economic climate we can ill afford to let already highly profitable telecom companies add new services charges to our internet bills. This would be like putting a tax on innovation and progress.
We’re setting a goal of 12,000 signatures by the end of this week -- help us reach it!
If even half of the people who receive this message help by spreading the word, we'll be well on our way to saving the unlimited (and affordable!) Internet.
Let's take a stand now.
- The OpenMedia.ca Team