Invite to contribute to research report about Broadband Development for First Nations and Inuit Communities

TACS Report Update - Invitation to join online or in-person discussions about draft report

As the research team enters the final stages in the production of this research report, a summary of recent developments and an invitation to contribute to the process is being extended to everyone.

The final draft report will be available for download on the TACS website
( on Monday, November 15. Feedback will be welcome until November 25. The report will be submitted and published on December 1, 2010.

The report is titled: Putting the 'Last-mile' First: Re-framing Broadband Development for First Nations and Inuit Communities'. It is framed around the concept of a 'first-mile' approach to community-based First Nations and Inuit broadband infrastructure development. This approach highlights how these communities are designing, managing, operating and in some cases, owning broadband infrastructure. A comprehensive, national overview of existing broadband infrastructure and community applications of digital networks and technologies by First Nations and Inuit communities joins profiles of innovative national, regional and local network development projects. The report highlights existing challenges of federal initiatives for First Nations and Inuit connectivity, and ends with some discussion themes for how future government policy may better support such projects.

The research team completed interviews with 22 key informants involved in First Nations and Inuit community-based connectivity projects from all regions across Canada.

As well, 22 community stories highlighting innovative projects in First Nations and Inuit communities across Canada were prepared. Some of these stories have been written by members of these communities and all will be verified before final report publication.

The early findings are being reviewed and presented to several national-level organizations and partnerships:

  • The Assembly of First Nations ICT Working Group;
  • The VideoCom research group;
  • The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council;
  • Federal representatives working towards an 'Aboriginal Connectivity

Opportunities to Contribute to this report include:

  1. We are planning a national online meeting to discuss our draft report.
    The Chief of Fort Severn First Nation, Ontario, invites everyone to join in on Nov. 17, 2010. Click here to see the PDF poster for more information. A
    web-stream of the meeting will be available at:  
  2. The research team is visiting Ottawa on Nov. 22-26, 2010, and will be holding an open house to discuss feedback in-person. It will be at the Delta Ottawa Hotel, Queen St. at Bay St., in the Cartier room, 9am to 3pm on Thursday, November 25. If you can meet us there, please email for details.

For more information on the TACS project and to offer suggestions and/or comments, please contact Rob McMahon:

Click here for a copy of the November 15 DRAFT report