CESO funded by INAC to build and support economic development capacity in First Nations

Press Release

Minister Duncan announces partnership to support economic development in Aboriginal communities

Ottawa, Ontario (November 1, 2010) - The Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, today announced a contribution of $750,000 to the Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO) to build and support economic development capacity in Aboriginal communities.

“Our Government is working with our partners to help Aboriginal people obtain the knowledge, skills and training they need to participate in large-scale economic development projects,” said Minister Duncan. “CESO has a long track record of helping Aboriginal people achieve their economic goals by facilitating relationships with experts and volunteers in the economic development field.”

INAC's contribution will help CESO Aboriginal Services continue to offer its unique mentoring and advisory services to Aboriginal communities, businesses and entrepreneurs through the organization's Economic Development Capacity Building Program. Currently, CESO is the only national group to provide this kind of mentoring program that matches volunteer advisors with Aboriginal people. The funding will allow the organization to increase its marketing and outreach activities and recruit new volunteer advisors to help Aboriginal communities to form partnerships for large-scale economic development projects.

“CESO is proud to be involved in a strategic partnership with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to support our Aboriginal partners in creating economic opportunities for all. We are excited by the great changes that are happening and the positive future we see for Aboriginal businesses and economic development in the coming years,” said Don Johnston, CESO President and CEO.

Since 1969, CESO has worked to meet the challenges of Aboriginal businesses, communities and individuals who are seeking greater self-sufficiency and economic independence. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has provided institutional funding assistance to CESO for the last 40 years.

This investment is in keeping with the Government's Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development. Released in June 2009, the Framework is a modern, comprehensive and opportunity-driven approach to Aboriginal economic development that places emphasis on building strategic partnerships with Aboriginal groups, the private sector and the provinces and territories.

For more information on CESO, please visit their website Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO) at http://www.ceso-saco.com/?lang=en-CA

For more information, please contact:

Minister's Office
Michele-Jamali Paquette
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable John Duncan

Media Relations

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada