NOMS Aboriginal Affairs Director visits KO in Sioux Lookout

Orpah McKenzie, NOMS' Aboriginal Affairs Director came to Sioux Lookout to meet with various groups to discuss collaborative opportunities. Orpah is working with different First Nations and aboriginal groups to identify four week community placement opportunities for first year medical school students starting in the spring of 2006.

While meeting with Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Nancy Greaves, the KO Telehealth Service Migration Officer who works with the Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority (SLFNHA) was able to identify a number of opportunities to collaborate with Orpah and NOMS. In particular, during the upcoming telehealth workshop being planning for this fall, it is hoped that Orpah will be able to present information for the Health Directors and the Community Telehealth Coordinators (CTC) to identify each First Nation can benefit from supporting a placement in their communities. The expanded roles and responsibilities of all the different partners involved in this work can create new opportunities for each participating First Nation.