Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre opens with First Nation and community leaders

Press Release

Grand Opening of the new Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre 

On Friday, October 15, 2010, representatives of the signatories to the Four Party Agreement arrived in Sioux Lookout to join a large crowd celebrating a festive Grand Opening ceremony of the new Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre! 

Amongst other dignitaries, Grand Chief of the Nishawbe Aski Nation Stan Beardy, Chiefs of the Sioux Lookout area First Nation communities, the Honourable Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long Term Care, Mayor Poling of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout; and Greg Rickford, Member of Parliament for Kenora, on behalf of the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Federal Minister of Health, shared in the ‘unique’ celebrations of a theme ”Making a Dream a Reality”. 

The new “state of the art” health facility is 140, 000 square feet, with sixty in-patient beds.  

‘Meno ya win” means health, wellness, well-being – a state of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wholeness. All services and programs are based on this understanding.  Programs and services include all normal hospital programs, as well as, the merging of traditional and modern healing practices through the development of the Traditional Healing, Medicine, Foods & Client Support Services, long term care, ambulatory care, community counseling, mental health and addiction services, Bimaadiziwin Training, a program for building cross-cultural competency & client safety and is extended to all staff. Some of the new equipment anticipated in the new facility are a CT scanner and a mammography unit. New programs will include a five-bed medical withdrawal unit.  

Having been designated as a Centre of Excellence in 2004, Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win works diligently being a role model for the delivery of both culturally-sensitive and holistic health care, providing equal care to all, and respecting the cultural and linguistic diversity of all people in the Sioux Lookout area and the northern communities.   

Visit for more information. 

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For more information, please contact: 

Dave Murray, President & CEO
Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre

Renee Southwind, Manager, Communications
Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre



"This new hospital is a shining example of what can be accomplished when we work together. The new hospital in Sioux Lookout will combine the best state-of-the-art care with traditional First Nations concepts of health, healing and wellness. We are driving quality and value into every corner of health care through our Excellent Care for All Strategy and the new Meno Ya Win Health Centre will be part of delivering that excellent care," said Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. 

“Our government is proud to have provided support for a facility that celebrates local First Nations culture and traditions," said Federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq. “We are committed to working in partnership with the province and First Nations communities to improve health care services.” 

“This building is a prime example of what can be achieved when communities and all orders of government work together,” said MP Greg Rickford. “I congratulate all the people in the Sioux Lookout area and everyone who has been involved in this important project.” 

Kai Koivukoski, SLMHC Board Co-Chair said, “Today, as you can see, our dream has been made a reality! This is the result of the many fine people from all walks of life and different levels of government and organizations who worked together throughout the last three decades, who had “a great vision”, perseverance, and the will to make the dream a reality.”  

“In the audience, you will see the looks of pride and joy in everyone’s face. First Nations people within the area are pleased with the new health centre for all people. Since the fast in 1988 by five Sandy Lake First Nation community members, we have seen great improvements to our health care system and its delivery and we will ensure we continue to get even better,” said Frank Beardy, Co-Chair, SLMHC Board. 

Dave Murray, President & CEO, SLMHC said, “This is a very important day for health care delivery in the north and especially for the twenty-eight First Nations communities that we serve spread over onethird of Ontario. The basis of cooperation that was set out in the Four Party Agreement has led to a Centre of Excellence that will have a very positive impact on all of the people of this area.” 

“The hopes and dreams of many years have finally become a reality.  All people of Sioux Lookout, and our northern communities, will benefit from this new centre,” said Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Stan Beardy. 

Mayor of the municipality of Sioux Lookout Kathy Poling said, “It is my great honour to participate in a day of celebration on the auspicious occasion of the opening of the Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre!  The new hospital represents a significant boon to the economy of our community not only through direct programs but ancillary ones as well. More importantly the new hospital is symbolic of the special relationship that Sioux Lookout has with the communities of the north and surrounding area.  As a Centre of Excellence for Aboriginal Health Care Practices we are very aware that there will be a much better level of health service for all people.  As the Hub of the North this is an accomplishment of which we can all be very proud.”

“True integration and collaboration between communities and cultures have transformed two hospitals in Sioux Lookout into one Centre of Excellence for Aboriginal Health Care – the only one in Ontario. We are honoured to have this first-of-its-kind hospital here in the North West LHIN and look forward to Meno Ya Win’s achievements in providing quality health care to the residents of Sioux lookout and First Nation community members,” said Jan Beazley, Chair, North West Local Health Integration Network Board.