Aboriginal Business Survey opportunity for First Nation businesses to share their story

Canadian Coucil for Aboriginal Business

Participate in a New Research Project - the Aboriginal Business Survey (ABS)

Don't miss this chance to tell your story!  If you haven't already done so, please take the opportunity to have your business needs and concerns heard by business and policy leaders by participating in our exciting, new research project - the Aboriginal Business Survey (ABS). The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) and Environics Research Group want to learn what drives your business success, and what you need to be even better.

Our goal is to complete interviews with more than 1000 Aboriginal business owners and entrepreneurs across the country.  To participate, please contact 1-877-304-5276 before October 27, 2010. We've extended our deadline in order to interview more business owners and entrepreneurs.. To learn more about the study, visit www.ccab.com. 

CCAB and Environics Research will widely release the survey findings in March 2011. The information you share is confidential. No marketers, telemarketers or study sponsors will have access to your personal or company information. 

Please forward this message to other business owners and entrepreneurs who may also be interested in participating.

The Aboriginal Business Survey is funded through the generous support of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), IBM Canada Ltd. and RBC Financial Group.