Vibrant Communities addressing poverty reduction with local groups working together

Vibrant Communities 2002-2010 Evaluation Report

Vibrant Communities (VC) is a pan-Canadian initiative through which 13 communities have experimented with new and innovative approaches to poverty reduction. These approaches emphasize collaboration across sectors, comprehensive thinking and action, building on community assets, and a long-term process of learning and change.

This report represents a clearing in the forest for Vibrant Communities – a time and space from which those involved at any level of the vision and work can:

  • Assess the VC experience thus far
  • Determine the gains that have been made in poverty reduction, in the thinking of the leaders and participants involved, and in community engagement
  • Look ahead to phase two of the end-of-campaign evaluation

The conclusions presented in this report were developed and refined through a user-oriented process. Priority questions were identified in consultation with internal and external stakeholders.

Key representatives from the participating communities and national sponsors have participated in a process of analysis and interpretation facilitated and supported by an external, independent evaluator.

Although local Vibrant Communities partners may continue their work indefinitely, depending on on-the-ground needs and aspirations, the initiative designed as a formal research project will be completed at the end of 2011.

The paper is an initial report on the end-of-campaign evaluation process. The final report, after the completion of phase two, will sum up the outcomes and lessons that have emerged.