North Spirit Lake First Nation accessing NOHFC energy program for renewable energy project

Ontario press release

North Spirit Lake First Nation Targets Renewable Energy -McGuinty Government Promoting Clean Technology

September 20, 2010 - A remote First Nation in Northern Ontario is exploring the potential of developing a small hydroelectric generating station to modernize operations and reduce costs.

With support from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC), the North Spirit Lake First Nation is assessing the viability of building a plant on Flanagan River located about 175 kilometres north of Red Lake. The study will determine site conditions, water level variations, plant capacity and energy production as well as assess costs and ecological benefits.

The project aligns with the objectives of the Green Energy Act, which is part of the Open Ontario plan to embrace green technology and support community investments that lead to conservation and economic growth.

"This project is an excellent example of how our government's Green Energy Act is providing opportunities for communities, businesses and other partners to undertake renewable energy projects across Northern Ontario."
– Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry, and chair of the NOHFC


  • The NOHFC is providing $100,000 for this project under its Northern Energy Program, which helps northern organizations pursue clean alternatives and reduce demand on non-renewable energy sources.
  • The Green Energy Act is expected to create 50,000 new jobs in the green energy sector in Ontario.



Joanne Ghiz
Minister's Office

Michel Lavoie
Communications Branch
705 564-7125