Ontario government misleading public on First Nation perspective of Bill 191 - the Far North Act

NAN Press Release

NAN Grand Chief Denounces Province's Positive Spin on Bill 191

Thunder Bay, ON, Sept. 14 - Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Stan Beardy has officially called foul on the province of Ontario. In recent weeks, leading up to this Thursday's third reading of Bill 191 - The Far North Act in the Provincial Legislature, Ontario has repeatedly attempted to put a positive spin on the Bill attempting to misguide general public understanding of the First Nation perspective on the proposed legislation.

"First Nations, Tribal Councils, and Nishnawbe Aski Nation have repeatedly presented our concerns on Bill 191to the provincial government. To date these recommendations are not reflected in the current amendments," said NAN Grand Chief Stan Beardy.

In numerous meetings leading up to an August 13, 2010 Emergency Chiefs Assembly in Thunder Bay, NAN leadership consistently stated their position and continuously provided recommendations for changes on the Bill. Despite their best efforts to meet in the middle on various issues, these requests were rejected by the province and the Bill remains on track to be implemented.

On August 31, 2010, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, at the direction of the 49 Chiefs in Assembly, launched an Anti-Bill 191 Campaign to counter the positive spin the province has attempted to place on the issue. NAN Chiefs and their respective membership, totalling more than 45,000 Nishnawbe peoples on and off-reserve unanimously reject Bill 191 - The Far North Act. Though First Nation communities within NAN are conducting land-use-planning activities, this in no way constitutes support of the proposed provincial Bill.

"Community driven land-use-planning is essential in order to determine what areas need to be protected and what areas could be developed. These plans must be properly resourced on a timely basis in order to create opportunities for all future economic activity; more funding is required to ensure proper-planning for an area that spans two-thirds of Ontario. More importantly, First Nations must have final say on land use in their territories" said Beardy.

Beginning tomorrow, Wednesday September 15, 2010 NAN along with supporters including both northern Ontario municipalities and industry will gather in Queen's Park to further state their collective opposition of Bill 191 the Far North Act and demand it's immediate dismissal.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation is a political territorial organization representing 49 First Nation communities in James Bay Treaty 9 and Ontario portions of Treaty 5 - an area covering two thirds of the province of Ontario.

For further information: Deanna Therriault, Director of Communications, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, (807) 625 4952 or (807)620-9466 mobile, or by email dtherriault@nan.on.ca


From the Canadian Press

McGuinty defends moving ahead with legislation despite First Nations anger

By: Maria Babbage, The Canadian Press - 14/09/2010

TORONTO - Premier Dalton McGuinty is defending his decision to push ahead with northern land development legislation over the angry objections of First Nations.

Several aboriginal leaders are demanding that he scrap the Far North Act, but McGuinty insists there's support for the bill, which is slated for a third and final reading in the legislature Thursday.

"We have put forward an initiative which, I think, broadly most Ontarians — including our aboriginal communities — continue to embrace," McGuinty said.

"Which is, we want to strike a balance between developing the north, ensuring that our aboriginal communities' rights are protected and that they can in fact participate in the creation of that wealth, and that we strike a balance when it comes to protecting our natural environment."

The bill would exclude up to 42 per cent of Ontario's land mass from development, protecting 225,000 square kilometres of boreal forest.

McGuinty said the government has worked long and hard on the bill, and held "extensive consultation" with First Nations.

But First Nations leaders want the government to dump Bill 191, saying it violates their treaty rights and doesn't give them a say in how their lands will be developed.

They also accused McGuinty of lying to them by promising not to pass the legislation without their approval.

Grand Chief Stan Beardy of Nishnawbe Aski Nation, which represents 49 First Nations in Ontario's north, has said they support community-based land planning, but don't like the fact that the legislation gives the government veto power.

"He promised a true partnership with First Nations and we are ready and able to make that happen, but first he has to kill this bill. He has no choice," Beardy said Monday.

"If McGuinty thinks he can govern the land without our co-operation he's wrong. If he thinks his ministers can override our land use decisions, he is wrong. If he thinks he can avoid a treaty by refusing to talk about it, he's wrong."

Natural Resources Minister Linda Jeffrey said the government addressed concerns about the so-called veto power by changing the legislation to give First Nations final approval.

Beardy said First Nations have read the revised bill and are still opposed to it.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation, which has the support of the Assembly of First Nations, has vowed to use "any means necessary" to protect its treaty rights.

The government's refusal to back down could jeopardize a number of projects aimed at boosting economic development in the north, such as the Ring of Fire chromite deposit near James Bay, said NDP critic Gilles Bisson.

"I've gone to the Ring of Fire communities," said Bisson, who represents the massive northern riding of Timmins-James Bay.

"They're saying, 'Listen, if (Bill) 191 is passed the way it is now, there will be blockades.' And it won't be the leadership manning the blockades, it'll be community members. They're very upset over this."

First Nations aren't the only groups opposing the bill, he said. Northern mayors, chambers of commerce and the mining sector aren't on side either.

"There's nobody who wants this," Bisson added. "Only the government of Ontario."

The bill must be scrapped because it will kill jobs in the north, said Opposition Leader Tim Hudak.

"Dalton McGuinty wants to freeze northern Ontario in time and turn it into a giant museum," he said.

"We'd go down a different path, work with First Nations and northern mayors to create jobs again in the north and get the economy moving again."