2010 Aboriginal Energy and Power Conference - October 12-14, 2010 in Toronto


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2010 Aboriginal Energy and Power Conference

Who Should Attend:

Aboriginal leaders, Councillors, Elders and business leaders

Negotiators, mediators and legal personnel involved in the resource development and Aboriginal relations sectors

Executives, project managers and staff involved in exploration and development in the oil & gas, energy and power production & transmission sector

Personnel involved in Aboriginal, community and Government relations

Financiers, investors and lenders

Resource sector engineering and environmental consultants

Economic development personnel

Government personnel involved in resource development, land access and Aboriginal relations

Click here to see the full agenda and to register at the early Bird Rate before September 17, 2010

Join us at the first annual
National Aboriginal Energy and Power Association conference, Aboriginal Energy and Power:
"Setting the Table"

October 12-14, 2010
at the Toronto Sheraton Centre Hotel

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												NAEPA energy
Aboriginal Energy and Power:
Setting the Table Conference

Canada has a wealth of power and energy opportunities and huge untapped opportunities for Aboriginal communities to capitalize on the ensuing economic potential of this sector. This unique conference will facilitate the advancement of economic development through support and promotion of an economically and environmentally sustainable Aboriginal energy and power sector.

"The conference goal is to begin "Setting the Table." Our mandate is to bring together people who believe in the broad range of opportunities that exist in the power and energy sector for partnerships with Aboriginal Peoples. The repairs to this country's economic fabric over the next decade must include strong ties to Aboriginal business and partnerships in the energy sector.

Culturally respectful and environmentally sustainable resource partnerships are the foundation for economic independence for Aboriginal communities," says conference co-host, Isadore Day, Chief, Wiindawtegowinini Serpent River First Nation & Lake Huron Regional Grand Chief.

This two-day, national conference and trade show features speakers from industry, Aboriginal communities that have developed innovative, proactive partnerships with the energy sector and representatives of the many associations that foster sustainable energy.

"The need for business to have respect for traditional lands, Aboriginal rights and history must serve as the foundation for any enterprise that plans to run a business on Aboriginal lands and territories. Participants at this conference will gain a better appreciation for the opportunities that exist between the energy industry and Aboriginal Peoples.  It is events like this that give optimism for the future and alignment of interests between Aboriginal groups and the business community," says conference co-host, Ian Anderson, President, Kinder Morgan Canada.

How to Register

Visit our website at www.naepa.ca/registration and simply choose from the list of options to register.
Why You Should Attend

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												NAEPA powerThis Conference presents an important and unique opportunity for Aboriginal Peoples, governments and energy, power and oil & gas sector to explore best practices and techniques to work together in a cooperative and beneficial manner.
  • Learn first hand about innovative relationships, partnerships and training initiatives
  • Gain first-hand practical knowledge from successful Aboriginal partnerships in the energy, oil & gas and power production & transmission and emerging green energy technology sectors
  • Increase understanding of Aboriginal culture, heritage and the intimate relationships with the land and its resources.
  • Explore processes for implementing impact-benefit agreements, joint ventures and resource sharing partnerships
  • Learn about financing and capital options available to Aboriginal businesses

Hosted by the National Aboriginal Energy and Power Association

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