NAN Digital Art/Project Contest to Promote Health Careers

The NAN AHHRI (Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative) & IIHCP (Indian & Inuit Health Careers Program) is seeking creative artwork and/or design projects that promote health careers.  The purpose of the contest is to highlight and promote the health care providers, programs and/or facilities that exist in NAN.  By doing so, the aim is to encourage others to follow the path that leads to a rewarding career in health!

The contest is open to NAN members 30 years of age and younger.  Winners will have their artwork/project featured on the NAN AHHRI/IIHCP website ( as well as in "The Pulse," the quarterly newsletter and other promotional and/or print publications.

All styles of artwork, photography, and visual projects where digital processes of any kind are used in the creation of the final work are acceptable.

The top 3 artworks will be awarded prizes, including a Grand Prize of $500.00!


Complete contest guidelines and entry forms are available at or can be obtained by contacting Loretta Sheshequin, AHHRI Coordinator, at (807) 625-4955, toll free at 1-800-465-9952 or by email at