NAN Health Careers Grants - 2010/2011 Applications Now Available

The Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) AHHRI & IIHCP is once again offering the Health Careers Grant Program.  This is an opportunity for NAN communities, Tribal Councils and affiliated organizations to receive up to $5,000 to develop and implement Health Careers awareness/promotional activities for NAN youth.

Examples of activities that will be supported under this grant program include:

  • Health Careers Fairs
  • Health Careers Workshops
  • Role Model Presentations
  • Student Essay Writing Contests
  • Excursions to Health Care Facilities

The deadline for applications is Monday, October 4, 2010.


Complete guidelines and application packages are available at or can be obtained by contacting Loretta Sheshequin, AHHRI Coordinator at (807) 625-4955, toll free at 1-800-465-9952 or by email at


Don't delay - get your application in now!