Industry Canada Director touring Northwestern Ontario

Industry Canada officials meet with KO Executive Director and Public Works Manager via video conference.

Allan Anderson, Industry Canada's Regional Director of Information Technlogy and Applications for Ontario and Carl Seibel, FedNor's Telecommunications Officer toured the offices of KO Reseach Institute in Thunder Bay. They were briefed about some ICT research projects by Nicole Morris and Wesley McKay, two summer students working for KO this summer.

The two IC officials inspected the new high speed wireless service (100Mb to the KO office) in Thunder Bay and participated in a videoconference with KO's Geordi Kakepetum, Peter Campbell and Brian Walmark. Allan Anderson told Geordi Kakepetum that First Nations connectivity remains a top priority in this year's budget. Too see additional photos, click here.

Carl is guiding Allan through Northwestern Ontario and will be in Sioux Lookout for meetings with staff of KNET Services. Here they are visiting Wabigoon First Nation to see the installation of the two-way satellite internet service by KO staff as part of the First Nation SchoolNet / RMO initiative.

Allan and Carl are travelling up to Sioux Lookout to visit KO's K-Net Services later today. Tomorrow they will be visiting Lac Seul First Nation to see their wireless network that is under construction to serve their three communities.