KO staff meets with KO Telehealth project evaluation team

The KO Telehealth project is contracting a consortium of partners to develop a comprehensive evaluation strategy that includes conducting and reporting on a number of research topics.

John Hogenbirk and Sheila Hardy traveled from Laurentian University in Sudbury and Ricardo Ramirez and Andres Ibanez traveled from Guelph University to participate in a series of meetings over a six day period. This "inception meeting" included a trip to Keewaywin First Nation, Balmertown and Sioux Lookout for meetings with community leaders and local health care providers. Other members of the team that could not make this trip included Raymond Pong from Laurentian U., Bruce Minore from Lakehead U and Brian Walmark from the KO Research Institute.
Andres is staying in the area another week to meet with different people and to participate in a variety of local activities. On Friday, he visited Frenchman's Head and learn about their local health care system. On Monday he will be flying to Kingfisher to meet with their team.