Officials from Panama meet with KO Telehealth and K-Net teams

Luis Barnola, Senior Program Specialist with the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas - ICA, hosted a video conference meeting between the Executive Director of E-Panama along with other officials from Panama and the KO Telehealth evaluation team and K-Net staff.

This office is Panama's office dedicated to connectivity and development. The Panama team was interested in learning about how Canada is deploying tele-medicine and tele-health strategies so they can adjust their own e-plans.  As well, E-tourism (eco-tourism) in small islands inhabited by indigenous people (Kuna Nation) is also an important development for them so meaningful connectivity strategies can be deployed in these areas to support sustainable development of such pristine  environments.

Feedback from all the meeting participants was positive. The evaluation team with reps from the universities of Guelph and Laurentian expressed their pleasure at being able to meet with these guests from Panama.

Luis wrote in a follow up e-mail ... "My warmest gratitude for your time and interest on their "visit".  They/we were most impressed by what they saw ...".

Dan also wrote ... "The video conference went well from our end.   We learnt a couple of items from the outside such as the high importance placed on the economics of connectivity.  We also got a chance to try to explain ourselves and the program to a different audience (good sales practice) and how to work together better as a team."