Indoor Camp Meeting 2004 (Big Trout Lake)

"Everybody is Welcome to attend"

July 7 -11, 2004

Kitchenuhmaykoosib Arena

Big Trout Lake, Ontario

Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me    Psalm 42:7

The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters. Yea, then the mighty waves of the sea. Psalm 93:4

Guest Speakers:   Lloyd Redsky & Family - Shoal Lake

                               Youth Pastor: Darryl Sanderson & Wife

                                                       Portage La Praire, Manitoba

Guest Singers:    Silas Woodhouse & Band - Fairford. Manitoba

                             Perry Rushton - Kamsask, Saskatchewan

Other Participants:           Roger & Wife Stevenson

                                          Pastor: Gilbert Hester - Timmins, Ontario

                                          Asst Pastor: Josie & Nellie Semple

Nightly Services:                Holy Ghost Services - 7:00 pm

Thursday - Saturday:         Afternoon Sessions  - 2:00 - 4:00 pm

Sunday:     10:00 am - Praise & Worship

                    2:00 pm - Baptismal Service

                    6:30 pm - Evening Service

Contacts:     Pastor: Joel Chapman - (807) 537-2451

                      Ronald/Gladys Childforever - (807) 537-2405

                     John/Bonnie Sanderson - (807) 537-1144

**Travel is at your own Expense, but Meals & Accommodations will be provided**