First Nation SchoolNet grade 8 supplementary online courses final report

Fernando Oliveira, the grade 8 (G8) supplementary online courses program coordinator and teacher, produced a final report for the first year highlighting the development process of this program and its delivery. Click here to read the report (282K, PDF).

From the report ...

The project, named the G8 Supplementary Courses Program (, was initially piloted with the launch on April 14, 2003 of a Grade 8 Science course. This pilot involved eight First Nations communities. The pilot was funded under the Kuhkenah Network, Smart Communities project with funding support from Industry Canada.

After this initial pilot, there was general agreement among teachers and students that the pilot program was very successful. Survey results revealed that both groups were quite open and eager to incorporate e-learning into their regular classroom activities. The full survey results of this pilot course may be accessed at

In September 2003, the G8 Program was sponsored by Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Northern Chiefs) and made available under the umbrella of Industry Canada's First Nation SchoolNet Program and the Ontario Regional Management Organization. During the 2003/04 school year, the G8 Program ran three courses within a three-term framework:






October 20, 2003 to December 19, 2003



January 19, 2004 to March 22, 2004


English Literacy

April 26, 2004 to June 20, 2004