Web cams across Ontario - check out different scenes from other communities

Early this morning, as I was going through the Consultation Paper and the Workbook for Growing Strong Rural Communities, I checked out the source of this consultation process for developing Ontario's rural plan. It seemed to me that both the paper and the workbook must have been created by people who have a pretty good understanding about rural communities. Turns out that the contacts for this "rural plan" are located in Guelph at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Rural Development Policy Branch in Guelph.

While exploring the MAHO web site resources I came across the "Cams Across Ontario" web site. I was able to watch the sun rise in Toronto, checked out the Canada Day preparations on Parliament Hill, and the Science North Centre in Sudbury.

Cams Across Ontario lists a number of outdoor webcams with views of various places in Ontario. Hopefully every community across the region will get their web cams showing off their special places and scenery in the near future.

Please note that some of the streaming motion webcams require Active X, Java, or the Real Player plug-in set enabled in your web browser to see the webcam images.