Home [23030]
- more information on food.
- We got up and did a few exercises, one way of lowering the glocuse in our bodies. One , two,three, stretch.
- Taking a breather after doing an excerise. This was a fun workshop.
- Each person that came to the workshop had thier glocuse tested. We were given our results in a flash. Wally Anishnawbe listening
- Testing the Glucometers.
- The participants are as follows: Ruth Wassaykeesick Student at KIHS, Georgina Suggashie Healthy Babies Resource Mom, Teresa Was
- Maryanne Moose community participant, Bella Moose Healthy Babies Coordinator, Wally Anishnawbe Nothern Store Manager looking on.
- Nancy providing more information on the how a person feels when thier well and when the glocuse is too high or too low.
- Teresa Wassaykeesick Health Director presenting Michelle DesRoches, RD faciliator a hand made quilt. Fabian Campbell Health Dire
- Nancy Muller, RN and Michelle DesRoches, RD from Red Lake Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital facilitators for the one day Diab
- Refreshments were provided.
- Plastic food samples.
- Dale Jack, taking down the antenna at the clinic in North Spirit Lake. "Careful, you don't fall Dale."
- Dale Jack turns to the right to pose for a picture. "Dale, let me know when you are going to fall, so I can take the pi
- Darlene Rae learned how to place the network cable into the wall jacks at the clinic.