Home [23030]
- Darwin and Annabell looking on at the students getting their flu shots.
- Talking about the different applications that are being delivered over K-Net
- Our KiHS teacher Darrin Potter getting a flu shot.
- Discussing some of the results of using broadband services in KO First Nations.
- The connection involved going through the K-Net gateway located in Sioux Lookout via a dial-up to the Telesat office and via the
- Questions and Answers
- aam
- From Telesat Canada building in Ottawa
- Explaining the potential of video conferencing for First Nations
- From the Keewaytinook Okimakanak office in Balmertown in Northern Ontario
- Sharing a story
- Video meeting with National Chief Matthew Coon Come and Ken Thomas of AFN and Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Geordi Kakepetum, Peter C
- aaz
- aaw
- aax