Home [23030]

Talking to Darlene in North Spirit Lake.
The rack at the cable neadend. From top to bottom: upconverter, switch, registration server, cable router and UPS.
Another view of the rack.
John Moreau...
The cable modems at the band office. The video conferencing unit runs on its own cable modem to ensure quality of service and gu
The maintenance room in the school. The IBM SchoolVista server in the foreground. The equipment on the wall was installed for t
The uBR924 cable router on the top left provides network access to the school computers. The cable modem on the left feeds inter
The IBM lab being used by students.
The Cisco 2621 in the principals office provides access to the K-Net frame relay network.
Listening to streaming music videos.
Corey Meekis working at his desk.
Oscar Meekis at his desk.