Home [23030]
- DCP01550
- DCP01548
- DCP01547
- Adi Linden working to configure and test the system with team members, Dan Pellerin who travelled to Fort Severn and Slate Falls
- The rack for the former system is now near empty with the new Linkway unit in place.
- The base for the dish was used by the former TVO dish and contributed by TVO along with the use of their cabin for the equipment
- Lots of engineering involved in determining the correct length of cable, the brackets, even the mount for the hardware was local
- The C-Band dish in Sioux Lookout with the new Linkway system installed on Nov 13, 2002
- aai
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- Julia O'Sullivan, Dean of Education at Lakehead University, Jackie Garwood and Stephen Chase, Director of Programs and Administr
- aae
- Signatories of the agreement from left to right, Mary Louise Hill, Provost and Vice-President of Lakehead University; Fred Gilbe
- Mary Louise Hill answering questions from a local reporter of Thunder Bay Television.